
Letters: Hypocrisy and the drone war

Re “U.S. drone death toll raised,” May 23

I have no doubt that if they could be asked, 16-year-old Abdulrahman Awlaki and his father Anwar, Samir Khan and Jude Kenan Mohammad would each gladly prefer waterboarding to President Obama’s assassination by drone without due process of law. Our Constitution protects all U.S. citizens, whether at home or abroad.

The silence of the left at a time when our government kills Americans without due process of law is horrifying. The hypocrisy of elitism has never been more clear.


Paul Carter

Long Beach

It is sad that four Americans were killed by drone strikes. I wonder, however, how many more American lives would have been lost if Obama had sent troops overseas to capture or kill these people instead.

Lorraine Knopf

Santa Monica


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