Did your neighborhood vote to
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This precinct-level map of California shows how similar — or different — other voters in your neighborhood are. Results shown are final and certified by each county. Download the data.
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This precinct-level map of California shows how similar — or different — other voters in your neighborhood are. Results shown are final and certified by each county. Download the data.
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Borrows $9 billion in school bonds
Restricts diverting funds away from Medi-Cal
Forces statewide vote on government bonds bigger than $2 billion
Requires legislation to be published online before final vote
Extends income tax rates for wealthy
Raises tobacco tax by $2 a pack
Makes new parole rules for nonviolent felons
Repeals bilingual education ban
Instructs California officials to work for Citizens United repeal
Requires condoms for porn actors
Puts price limits on prescription drugs for state agencies
Repeals the death penalty
Institutes a number of gun controls
Legalizes recreational marijuana
Redirects plastic bag fees to environmental programs
Speeds up death penalty process
Ratifies or overturns single-use plastic bag ban
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Nov. 10: The map was updated with precinct-level results for San Bernardino, Orange and San Diego counties.
Nov. 11: The map was updated with precinct-level results for San Mateo, Sierra, Santa Barbara and Santa Cruz counties.
Nov. 12: The map was updated with precinct-level results for Nevada County.
Nov. 16: The map was updated with precinct-level results for Mono, San Luis Obispo and Ventura counties.
Nov. 17: The map was updated with precinct-level results for Alameda, Butte, Marin and Shasta counties.
Nov. 18: The map was updated with precinct-level results for El Dorado and Merced counties.
Dec. 19: The map was updated with certified final results for 42 counties.
Dec. 20: The map was updated with certified final results for Calaveras, Glenn, Kings and Lassen counties.
Dec. 23: The map was updated with certified final results for Colusa, El Dorado, Imperial, Napa, Siskiyou, Solano, Trinity and Yolo counties.
Dec. 27: Data for Siskiyou County was altered to combine two new precincts created for this election.
Dec. 27: The map was updated with certified final results for Madera County.
Dec. 27: The map was updated with certified final results for Tehama and Tuolumne counties.
Dec. 29: The map was updated with certified final results for Plumas County. This page should now contain every precinct result in California.
For the record (Dec. 29): Results were corrected for several counties. Results for Lake, Sonoma and Sutter counties didn't include the absentee or mail-ballot votes from one precinct each due to a PDF parsing error. A second PDF parsing error caused 10 votes in San Benito and Sutter counties to be mistakenly attributed to Gloria Estela La Riva instead of Hillary Clinton. Santa Barbara County's results were duplicated due to a programming error. All totals have been corrected.
Jan. 3: Plumas County's precinct boundaries were updated based on a new file released by the county.
Jan. 6: Totals updated for Santa Clara County to include write-in totals for Trump, Clinton, Johnson, La Riva and Stein.
Sources: Associated Press, Times reporting, California secretary of state, county election offices, Statewide Database at U.C. Berkeley Law
Additional credits: Armand Emamdjomeh, Lorena Iñiguez Elebee, Thomas Suh Lauder, Raoul Rañoa, Eben McCue, Paul Duginski, Kyle Kim, Angelica Quintero, Len De Groot, Ben Welsh, Ryan Menezes