
Showers Cause No Traffic Problems : Weekend Closes on Cool, Wet Note

Times Staff Writer

Unexpected showers late Sunday afternoon, coupled with cool temperatures during the day, made a dreary end to the weekend in Orange County but reportedly caused no traffic problems.

The National Weather Service predicts no rain for Orange County today, but it’ll still be button-up-your-overcoat weather with chilly breezes and lower-than-usual temperatures expected today. Following overnight low temperatures dipping into the low 40s, the thermometer is only expected to climb into the 50s today, according to the National Weather Service.

Rain hit Orange County in showers and squalls about 4 p.m. Sunday. Traffic on most freeways and surface streets was light at the time, and police said this held down the potential for accidents.


In the mountains, snow dusted even the lower elevations and placed a seldom-seen white frosting atop picturesque Saddleback Mountain.

Bright sun during the morning and early afternoon hours in Orange County failed to warm up the air temperatures appreciably. It was in the mid-50s at most Orange County beaches during the day, and few surfers stayed out for long.

“The warmest we got today was 56 degrees,” said Steve Seim, marine safety officer at Huntington Beach city beach. “The water was 55 degrees, so only the brave were going in. But before the rain hit, it was sunny on the pier, and I estimate we had a crowd of about 4,000 out here during the day.”


The National Weather Service said the rain was brought to Orange County by quick-developing northerly winds.

The chill winds from the north also dumped snow in the high desert area, including so much along Interstate 15 in San Bernardino County that the state Department of Transportation on Sunday afternoon recommended tire chains between Baker and the Nevada state line.
