
San Diego

San Diego County supervisors decided Tuesday it is too early to implement the county grand jury’s suggestion that prisoners be booked at regional jails in East County and the South Bay. Instead, the proposal will be considered this summer, when the supervisors mull over the county’s proposed budget for 1985-1986, and again in the fall when a consultant’s report on the county’s courthouse and jail space is reviewed. In a report to the supervisors, Chief Administrative Officer Clifford Graves said it would cost more than $1 million a year to open booking centers at the two regional jails. Currently, prisoners are booked at the County Jail downtown or at the County Jail in Vista. Women are booked at the Las Colinas County Jail in Santee. The grand jury report said it is inefficient to require East and South County police and sheriff’s officers to bring the people they arrest to the downtown jail for processing.
