
Hawthorne Slates Photo Contest

Guidelines and entry forms are available until Wednesday for a photo contest on the theme “A Day in the Life of Hawthorne,” which is being sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and the city in conjunction with the U.S. Conference of Mayors’ national contest on life in American cities. The conference will publish a book of photos submitted by cities across the country.

All photos must be taken within the city on Wednesday. First place winners in three categories will receive $100 cash prizes. Entry forms are available at the chamber office, 12427 Hawthorne Blvd.; City Hall information desk, 4455 West 126th St.; B & B Camera Shop, 12925 Hawthorne Blvd.; Memorial Center, 3901 W. El Segundo Blvd., and the Police Department service store at the Hawthorne Plaza mall. The contest is open to residents of Hawthorne and school districts serving the city, and to employees of businesses that are chamber members.
