
San Diego

New campaign figures show that opponents of Proposition A, the slow-growth initiative, have accumulated almost half a million dollars in their quest to defeat the measure, and that the biggest donor has been the Campus Crusade for Christ. Since Oct. 17, when they reported $307,000 in contributions, anti-A forces have received an additional $158,500 to bring their total war chest to $465,500, according to documents filed with the city clerk’s office.

The leading contributor is Campus Crusade for Christ, which has given $70,000 since Oct. 23, for a total of $137,000 in money and services. The second-leading donor is Pardee Construction Co., which has given $135,000.

Both donors own large tracts of land in the urban reserve, land concentrated in the city’s northern reaches and theoretically off limits to development until 1995. The City Council has opened some of the land for construction, the largest project being Campus Crusade’s 5,100-acre La Jolla Valley project.


Environmentalists and slow-growth advocates placed Proposition A on the ballot to take discretion over the urban reserve away from the council. The measure would require a citywide vote on development proposals in the urban reserve. Pro-A forces raised $42,000 by Oct. 19, campaign reports show.
