
‘Joan Kroc Should Stay in the Kitchen’

Contrary to Thomas’ allegations, Joan Kroc’s participation in the nuclear debate is based on a mature, intelligent, and thoughtful analysis of the reality and potential consequences of nuclear weapons. To my knowledge, she has never advocated unilateral disarmament, but has urged the United States to join the Soviets in a nuclear weapons test moratorium and to institute a nuclear freeze.

She understands that the United States and the U.S.S.R. both have the ability to create a worldwide nuclear winter with only a fraction of their nuclear stockpiles. More nuclear weapons on either side are redundant and, in America, simply a waste of precious tax dollars.

Thomas’ prime argument of “moral superiority” is irrelevant to the issue of whether more nuclear weapons and technology will make us safer. He is fixated with the puerile perspective of: “I’m stronger than you because my guns are bigger than your guns.” Because he can’t seem to grasp the simple concept of overkill, Cal Thomas should go back to kindergarten. He’s obviously not competent to write commentaries on nuclear weapons policy.


The Times should be ashamed of itself for printing such a nasty and childish piece.


Los Angeles
