
‘Bishops and Economics’

This is a reply to three persons who wrote letters to oppose the Catholic bishops’ letter on the economy.

One (Kevin Finn) believes the notion that poverty in America is neglected is absurd. Is it? Tell that to millions of children who suffer from malnutrition. Tell that to the residents of towns where the unemployment rate is 20% to 30%. Tell that to the 35 million Americans who live below the poverty line.

Another (John Richardson Jr.) reports, “Religion is supposed to help a man’s soul, not his income.” Richardson should remember that a person is not likely to think spiritual thoughts if he has an empty stomach.


The third person (Gary Walterscheid) objected to the bishops’ approach to free enterprise capitalism. The bishops don’t object to free enterprise capitalism. They object to unregulated profit and showing no compunction when exploiting the poor--the most powerless of all.

A massive gap exists between the Christian Gospel and unregulated American capitalism. The bishops have every right to point this out.


Los Angeles
