
A unit of Fontana-based Kaiser Steel acquired...

A unit of Fontana-based Kaiser Steel acquired a coal mine near Paonia, Colo., and a coal preparation plant in Wellington, Utah, from a U.S. Steel subsidiary. The price wasn’t disclosed . . . Pantry Pride reported that it has consummated the sale to Beecham Holdings of Revlon’s proprietary products business, consisting principally of Norcliff Thayer, for $360 million in cash . . . Troubled Eagle Computer of Garden Grove said it is laying off 23 of its 83 employees . . . Wickes Cos. said it is calling for redemption its $93 million in two-year extendable notes due 1987 and its $25 million in increasing-rate senior notes due 1992; the company pays 12% interest on the notes and plans to borrow at substantially lower rates after the redemptions . . . Glendale Federal Savings & Loan Assn. said the Federal Home Loan Bank Board has approved the formation of GlenFed Inc., the holding company that has been formed to oversee all of the S&L;’s financial services operations.
