
Musicians Defended

I must take exception to the editorial in last Sunday’s paper. Actually, I take exception to the headline “Symphony’s Conduct Frustrates Community.”

A symphony is not composed of a board, a manager, a women’s committee, stage crew or support staff. It is made up of 80 to 90 talented, intelligent, highly educated, highly skilled and grossly underpaid individuals who come together to make beautiful music.

The players in the symphony have no voice in management, no choice of conductors, are not consulted on rehearsal or concert dates, nor are they asked to express an opinion on the music to be played. The very existence of the symphony depends on the generosity of corporations and individuals and the whims of the public and the music critics.


Most of the members of the orchestra have graduated from leading universities or conservatories. They live in suburbs, walk their dogs, pay their bills and worry about the braces on their children’s teeth.

Why do they choose music for a career? Why do birds sing or crickets chirp? They certainly don’t choose it for money--or prestige.

Please, in the future, differentiate between the symphony and symphony management. The symphony’s conduct is above reproach.



El Cajon
