
The Region - News from June 22, 1986

On the eve of a West Hollywood gay pride celebration, a 25-year-old man was chased from a city bus bench Friday and beaten by six men who had driven past him shouting “fag, homo and punk,” sheriff’s officials said. Mark Stone of Santa Monica reported that the men parked their car and began punching, kicking and hitting him with a chain until he escaped and flagged down a sheriff’s car. Deputies apprehended three of the alleged attackers--Jonathan Thomas, 20; Curtis Harris, 20, and a 17-year-old whose name was withheld because he is a minor. Stone suffered minor bruises and was not hospitalized. Sheriff’s officials said they do not know if Stone was assaulted because his attackers thought he was gay. A Gay Pride Parade today is intended in part to make people aware of the rights and civil liberties of gays.
