
Revolt Leader Will Recognize Aquino Regime

United Press International

The leader of last month’s 36-hour revolt agreed today to recognize “the existence” of the government of Corazon Aquino in exchange for the dropping of rebellion charges against him and 25 others.

But Arturo Tolentino, running mate of the ousted president, Ferdinand E. Marcos, in the disputed Feb. 7 election, still insisted that he and Marcos were legally elected and that their government is merely “dormant.”

Tolentino told a news conference at his downtown law office that he will execute a sworn statement drafted by Justice Minister Neptali Gonzales with the understanding that the charges will be dropped against all the defendants.


‘Will Clear Everybody’

“If there are any sacrificial lambs or goats, we are the ones. We will clear everybody,” he said.

The oath contains a reaffirmation of Tolentino’s allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines, acknowledgement of the existence of the present government and a stand against the violent overthrow of the Aquino government.

Tolentino, 75, said, however, that there will be no oath to the interim “Freedom Constitution,” which Aquino imposed pending the drafting of a new charter to replace the 1973 Marcos-tailored constitution that she abolished a month after assuming office.


Aquino had originally demanded that Tolentino and the others pledge allegiance to the interim charter.

‘Reasonable Understanding’

“Minister Gonzales showed reasonable understanding that such an oath would make me commit mental dishonesty and perjury and violate my conscience,” Tolentino said.
