
French Sentiment

Ladislaw Reday’s article (July 13) about La Rochelle, France, was splendid.

I stayed at the three-castle Hotel de France et d’Angleterre. A single room with bath, breakfast and six delicious dinners a week cost $50 a day. Highly recommended.

No mention was made of the Musee du Nouveau Monde. Mme. Paulette Bonneil, a retired professor at the Institute of French Studies in La Rochelle (where I studied), serves on the museum’s board of directors and is organizing tours for the museum.

French government officials are encouraging her to head tours designed for descendants of families who fled that region to seek freedom in the New World during the Wars of Religion. An English-speaking guide and an expert in genealogy will accompany these “Sentimental Journeys.”


Anyone interested may write to Mme. Bonneil, Musee du Nouveau Monde, Hotel Fleuriau, 10 rue Fleuriau, 17000 La Rochelle, France.


