
‘Sick and Tired’

In response to Ed Guizar’s letter (July 27), I am sick and tired myself of apologists who attack critics of a thoroughly incompetent, shallow President and his reactionary Administration.

These fools are unable to defend the shabby record of the current incumbent. Instead, they hide behind the cloak of patriotism and accuse those who criticize them as being un-American.

According to Guizar, all Americans who criticize his sacred President should be replaced with a group of citizens who “appreciate our Liberty.” There are plenty of Soviet citizens who are well aware of Guizar’s style of liberty. Criticism of the government there brings swift retribution.


The freedom to criticize is a fundamental right in this country. Only a few nations on this planet guarantee the freedom to disagree openly with the decisions of their governments. Liberty is not suppression, and suppression is what Guizar seeks.


Los Angeles
