
Dan Lundberg

I was deeply saddened by the news of Dan Lundberg’s untimely death. The Times accurately reported that Dan was much more than an oil industry analyst. He was a strong person whose communicative gifts endeared him to his friends and colleagues and undoubtedly frustrated society’s merchants of evil. That international consortium of price-fixers known as OPEC will not miss Dan Lundberg. Those who care about energy security and do want not to repeat mistakes of the past will surely miss him.

It was an oversight that The Times article did not mention Dan’s devotion to his family. It may surprise many to know that the successful Lundberg companies are family-run operations. I have no doubt that his loved ones will continue his good work and his legacy.

To those of us who had the privilege of knowing and working with Dan Lundberg he will be sorely missed. He was a mountain of a man with a heart to match.



San Pedro
