
McCallum and the Raiders Awaiting Marching Orders From the Pentagon

Extra media people filed into camp for Napoleon McCallum’s return, but McCallum, unlike MacArthur, didn’t return.

His case is still being reviewed by Navy Secretary John Lehman. A decision was thought to be forthcoming Tuesday, but it might be today, instead.

Or Thursday.

“(Lehman) is waiting for the recommendations of the chief of naval operations and the Marine commandant,” said Capt. Mike Sherman of the Navy secretary’s public affairs office, from Washington.


A Pentagon source said that McCallum phoned Adm. Dudley Carson, chief of the Navy manpower and personnel office two weeks ago and requested clearance to play on weekends. The Raiders have since made it known that mere weekend availability wouldn’t be enough. Al Davis said on NBC Saturday night that he couldn’t use “a weekend warrior.”

There is speculation that the delay is not good news for the Raiders and McCallum.
