
The Reagans’ War on Drugs

It is too bad that President and Mrs. Reagan chose something as serious as the national drug problem to do their political “showboating.” The President has been in office for six years. Why has it taken so long to raise his consciousness to the problem? Drugs have been a national problem for a generation--yet, why did he choose this critical pre-election moment for many Republican legislators? Exploitation of such a serious and heartbreaking problem is truly callous!

The President and Mrs. Reagan can grandstand all they want--our drug and alcohol problems will not diminish because they go on national television and dramatize. All of the testing in the world will not change the basic problems of poverty and joblessness. The plight of people must be undertaken in a real sense--not the tokenism of the Reagan Administration.

Sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Reagan, this has all been fun, but it won’t work. All of the political ploys that can be conjured up with your “smoke and mirrors” politics cannot change the fact that the United States is in a mess and it needs some concrete help--not the artificial show-biz approach to serious problems that will affect our nation for generations to come and could ultimately be the downfall of this great nation, this great social experiment in the civilization of mankind.



San Bernardino
