
Laguna Niguel : Leukemia Victim Settles Suit Against Employer

A Laguna Niguel man who sued his employer for laying him off his job because he was suffering from leukemia accepted an undisclosed settlement from the company late Wednesday.

The settlement was reached two days into a federal court trial on the case filed by Charles Bryant, 62. Bryant sued the Brunswick Corp. of Costa Mesa for $1 million, claiming he was laid off his job as a senior buyer in October, 1983, because he was experiencing side effects from his chemotherapy.

“Mr. Bryant is pleased and satisfied mostly because he had chance to take the stand and tell his story to the judge and the jury,” Bryant’s attorney, Maurice Mandel II, said.


Mandel declined to disclose terms of the settlement.

Bryant, who has had cancer since 1971, said he chose not to tell company officials that he was ill until shortly before he was laid off for fear of being fired.

Brunswick’s attorney, Richard De Luce, told the jury that Bryant was laid off during a business downturn because his work could be easily accomplished by others.
