
Seattle’s Knox Fears Overreaction by Officials

Coach Chuck Knox of the Seattle Seahawks said Thursday that he fears game officials may overreact and eject a player unnecessarily because of an accusation by Kansas City Chiefs Coach John Mackovic against the Raiders. Mackovic said this week that the Raiders tried to maim his players in their game last Sunday.

“I would like to think they won’t overreact and have to make a cause celebre out of somebody,” Knox said. “I hope we’ve come far enough along with the officiating in this league that we won’t have overreaction.”

Knox, whose team will play the Raiders Sunday at the Coliseum, said he doesn’t think the Raiders are a dirty team.


“In all the games we’ve played with them over the years, and there have been a lot of them, I’ve never felt the Raiders have tried to do that,” he said.
