
Pico Rivera Studies Expansion of Its Redevelopment Zone

The City Council is considering a major expansion of the redevelopment zone for commercial and industrial development.

David Caretto, assistant city manager, said the proposed redevelopment zones would include an area in the south of the city from Slauson Avenue to Telegraph Road bounded by Paramount Boulevard on the west and the city limits in the east. In the north, areas would include an industrial section in the San Gabriel Parkway near Beverly Boulevard and some Flood Control District property near the Rio Hondo River, he said.

The plan would at least double the current size of the redevelopment project, he said.

About 12% of the city is currently in redevelopment areas, including all of Whittier Boulevard, a portion of northern Pico Rivera at the corner of Gallatin Road and Rosemead Boulevard and the portion of Washington Boulevard where Northrop is located.


The City Council, acting as the Redevelopment Agency, instructed city staff last week to refine the boundaries in the proposed plan and exclude two residential sections near Whittier and Paramount boulevards.

The areas being targeted for redevelopment are mostly vacant or have little industrial activity and substandard housing, Caretto said.
