
Developments in Brief : Fund Seeks Alternative to Animals in Research

Compiled from Times staff and wire service reports

A fund to search for alternatives to the use of animals in research has been established in the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of California, Davis.

Dr. Bennie Osburn, associate dean for research of the veterinary school, said advances in such areas as molecular biology and genetics have made it possible to conduct more research at the basic cellular level using cell lines and tissue culture instead of animals.

The new fund, called the “Alternatives to Animals Research Fund,” will be used to generate research techniques and testing protocols that do not require the use of animals, he said.


“Animal research has allowed us to provide better health care and to enrich the quality of life of humans and animals,” Osburn said. “This fund will allow us to add an extra dimension to our research program and to increase the body of scientific knowledge in new and creative ways.” The university has been the target of a series of demonstrations by animal rights activists.
