

Kenneth Routon, while trying to stop a man from dragging Routon’s 9-year-old daughter out of the house, “did not use excessive force, so the police do not plan to seek charges against him,” according to The Times account (June 11).

In that one telling phrase lies encapsulated the lunacy of our legal system. For Routon, even though he acted out of understandable anger and fear for his child, might have been in deep trouble had he not restrained himself. What a mockery of justice!

Few of us, I’m sure, would return to the days of the lynch mob and most agree that meting out punishment to criminals is best left to the courts. But the right to protect our children from physical harm should remain inviolate.


Incidentally, Kenneth Routon may not consider himself a hero, but he acted quickly and decisively and his children are very fortunate to have him for a father.


Santa Ana
