
North Paved Way to Increase Contra Aid, Kemp Says

United Press International

Rep. Jack Kemp (R-N.Y.), citing Lt. Col. Oliver L. North’s role in bolstering support for aid to the Nicaraguan rebels, called Tuesday for President Reagan to double his request to Congress for more aid.

Kemp said North’s appearance before special House and Senate investigating committees “was far more than just political theater. In six days he did more to build support for democracy in our hemisphere than the State Department and the Congress have done in six years.”

“The time has come to draw the line on communism in Central America. The liberals and isolationists can no longer be permitted to hide behind sanctimonious hearings and disinformation,” said Kemp, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination.


“I call upon the Reagan Administration to double its request for aid to the Nicaraguan democratic resistance from $105 (million) to $210 million. It’s not enough to give the freedom fighters enough to fight with--they must have enough to forge a victory for democracy.”
