
Brian Willson, Protester Injured by Train

Willson’s passion for peace led him to confront a military train carrying weapons he believed would be used to kill Nicaraguan women and children. We may never know whether Willson expected the train to stop, or whether the train’s engineer believed that he would jump out of the way. Either way, the confrontation left Willson terribly maimed.

Last year, I met Willson on the Capitol steps in Washington, D.C., where he and the other founders of the Veterans Peace Action Team fasted in protest of U.S. policy in Nicaragua. I count that meeting as one of the high points in my life, and I am profoundly grateful for such examples of courage, compassion and leadership as these men have given us.

Our continued commitment against U.S.-sponsored violence in Central America will be as important in healing Willson’s wounds as the most expert medical care. And in healing the nation’s wounds as well.



West Hills
