

This letter is addressed to The Times story on the Afro-American Center’s director, Aurelia Brooks, who faces criticism and inquiry (Metro, Oct. 19).

It is interesting to observe those who are critical of Brooks. The kinds of negative statements that are being made do not take into account the accomplishments, positive human values and dedication she has brought to the job. But worse is the tendency to kick and run, then hide behind anonymity--in other words, the critics come out of the woodwork and take on an attitude of anything goes.

It seems to me that these persons are attempting to tear down one who has a vision of beauty and harmony that encompasses the community.


I am not addressing this letter to the issues of naive mistakes, inexperience or mismanagement, but rather to the sickening glee that some among us have for knocking down, as opposed to building-up.

Many persons in the community appreciate the visionary leadership of Aurelia Brooks.

At any rate, we are going to stand behind and give her the support she and the Afro-American Museum deserve.


