
Test Scores and Teaching

Kudos to Marc Tucker for his article “The Teaching of Teachers: Tough Lessons” (Opinion, Oct. 25).

Hopefully, the college presidents will ask for representatives of several outstanding teachers from both secondary and elementary schools for their input. These master teachers who are working can provide greater insights for the college committees. Thus, this will truly be a partnership of educators. ‘Tis time “the sheepskin curtain” came down!

Perhaps this committee will also, at a later date, be able to work with a partnership of representatives from the National Education Assn. and set up achievement of skills at every grade level to provide the best education for all our students. True, this is conformity but it is very good and provides a base for all teachers. As a result, the colleges and universities will receive a much better prepared student. In addition, teachers on all levels will acquire greater respect in their profession.



San Diego
