
‘Tibet: What’s Going on?’

The Times states that it is “diplomatically correct . . . that Tibet is a part of China” (“Tibet: What’s Going On?” Editorial, Oct. 23). This is only true insofar as the United States now refuses to recognize Tibet as a sovereign nation. In fact, Tibet and China have, for centuries, experienced every possible diplomatic configuration. Tibet actually conquered China at one point in history.

It is extremely unfortunate that the larger nations of the world, as well as the press, now repeat the politically convenient statement that Tibet is and was a part of China. While it may be comfortable for the United States to tacitly recognize China’s claims to Tibet, the truth of the matter is that Tibet has been politically and militarily occupied by China since 1951. In subsequent years, China has practiced cultural and spiritual genocide.

Tibet has been offered up to the Chinese because, unlike Afghanistan or Nicaragua, it offers insubstantial political currency to the United States.



Los Angeles
