
‘Drummed Out’; Selling Candy

My family and I were appalled to read about the young student (Lisa Ortiz) who was dismissed as drum major because she was reluctant to sell candy to help support the band (“Drummed Out,” Metro, Nov. 12). First of all, school officials should be the ones penalized for not prohibiting such an activity, and it is the band instructor who should be ousted for his poor attitude and irresponsible decision.

Is it any wonder, when an honors and talented student is so treated, that our young people become critical of the educational system.

In our opinion, it is not Ortiz or students like her who are “marching to the tune of a different drummer,” but rather instructors like Northview’s band leader who fail to set the example for our young people and prevent them from participating in positive activities.


We hope the courts will be more responsible and admonish the school district and school officials for their actions and reinstate Ortiz to a position she has worked hard to earn.


West Covina
