
War and Peace

Robert Wilkins’ letter (Nov. 16) in praise of Ronald Reagan and Caspar Weinberger, states, “ . . . The Reagan Administration has presented the nation with a six-year plus period at peace.”

One can only imagine that Wilkins has been vacationing in the far reaches of the solar system for the past six years to have missed the bombing and shelling of Lebanon by U.S. naval forces; the invasion of mighty Grenada; the unnecessary loss of 250 “peace keeping” sailors and Marines to a terrorist bomb in Beirut; the cat-and-mouse games with, and subsequent bombing of, Moammar Kadafi’s Libya; the attack on USS Stark; the current naval posturings in the Persian Gulf, and the continued carte blanche arming and CIA support of the Nicaraguan Contra rebels.

Although the above scenarios may not describe a war as we traditionally define “war,” they are nonetheless military actions in which bombs fall, bullets fly and men die. If that isn’t war, then what is?



San Diego
