
A Fresh Start: How To Let Go...

A Fresh Start: How To Let Go of Emotional Baggage and Enjoy Your Life Again by Leonard Felder Ph.D. (New American Library: $17.95 U.S.; $24.95 Canada).

Dr. Felder: You are brave in venturing into the Tropics of Self-Help. But, honestly, aren’t you afraid that readers have become a wee bit tired of this genre? Do you expect us to pick up a book, resembling literally hundreds of others, similarly brightly jacketed and full of blurbs, that promise happiness, smooth adjustments with family, friends--even enemies--and instant peace of mind?

The reader’s heart goes out to you for being so patient and forbearing with your clients. Most seem to have annoying, wearisome, even noisome families. But will telling them to fight fair, take charge and jettison the past by letting go of that “emotional baggage” really help? Aren’t we all familiar with these slogans and shibboleths by now?
