
‘Guided Men’

My continuous reading about missiles and more missiles in the news media brought back the closing lines of a poem by Helen Steiner Rice: “Far more than guided missiles, all the world needs guided men.”

I then directed my thoughts to reading not once, but twice, a Times editorial (Dec. 11) giving a well-presented English interpretation of the speech by President Oscar Arias Sanchez of Costa Rica in his acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize. I then thought, “Could this man be one of the guided men?

My thoughts move on to the recent summit meeting of Mikhail Gorbachev and President Reagan with the signing of the arms-control treaty: mainly the control of missiles and their warheads.


I then wind up my thinking by fervently praying that these gentlemen in the long haul may also join with the aims of President Arias and increase the number of guided men to three in their endeavor to promote peace among all the nations of this current troublesome world.


Los Angeles
