
Train Operators Sue Protester Brian Willson Over Accident

The suit filed by the train crew seems to be an appropriate act. Not because it would cause Willson to pay money damages for his foolhardy behavior, but because it draws attention to the damage and suffering experienced by so many others involved in the affair.

Willson deliberately placed himself in the path of a moving train. When it became apparent that the train was not going to stop, two other demonstrators scampered to safety--but not Willson. He played out his version of the game of “chicken” to the inevitable conclusion.

Because of his outrageously irresponsible act, innocent people were drawn into this tragedy: The witnesses who were exposed to the horrifying sight of Willson’s injuries; the paramedics who struggled valiantly to stabilize their deliberate patient; the hospital emergency staff who administered life-saving and rehabilitative services; the members of Willson’s immediate family who suffered the shock and anguish caused by his crippling injuries; the Navy personnel who must endure the inevitable inquiries and accusations. The list seems endless.


Let this be a warning to activists who advocate such civil disobedience. The consequences of their behavior may reach far beyond their expectations. The unintended victims may seek to exact retribution and remedy far greater than the traditional bus ride to jail and the $50 fine.


