

More new work: Playwright Mack Owen, the San Diego State professor who penned the Actors for Actors production of “Conversations With the Adversary,” is trying out a new play, “And We Saw Where They Danced the Fandango,” at the San Diego State University Experimental Theatre at 7 p.m. Sunday . . . The UC San Diego theater department is presenting “Dickson: Old News From the New War” tonight through Sunday at the Mandell Weiss Center for the Performing Arts. It’s the first offering on UC San Diego’s three-play season of world premieres written by graduate students in the school’s playwright department. And in the looking-for-work department, the San Diego Actors Co-op is doing its part to celebrate the Berkshire Theatre Festival’s 100th birthday--by giving Richard Dunlap, the artistic director of the festival, an opportunity to audition members of the Co-op Feb. 4-5. To arrange an audition, Equity and SAG actors should call 222-8325, and non-Equity actors 549-4199.
