
‘Demands of County Nurses’

Gamble’s wretched attempt to attribute the current health-care crisis to the county nurses’ “exorbitant wage demands” represents the nadir of tastelessness and insensitivity. His piece was an insult to the nurses, mostly women, mostly supporting families, and mostly dedicated to caring for the hordes of poor, sick and injured patients who are stretching the county’s dated facilities to the breaking point.

If babies are dying for lack of care, Mr. Gamble, have the decency to withdraw your slanderous insinuation that this is even remotely the fault of county nurses. Health care is in crisis in this county and in every other corner of the nation. The causes are complex, deep and in need of the application of tough-minded generosity, both of spirit, and of private and government purses as well. What the health-care crisis does not need is more cheap and mean-spirited attempts to cast blame where it is least deserved.



Los Angeles
