
City Follows County, Adopts Ordinance to Regulate Bathhouses

Times Staff Writer

Saying that it was not a move intended to “punish” gays, the San Diego City Council voted unanimously Tuesday to adopt a city ordinance that will regulate bathhouses in an attempt to stop the spread of AIDS.

The city ordinance is identical to the one passed last month by the County Board of Supervisors. By passing an ordinance of its own, San Diego will also pass responsibility for regulating bathhouses inside the city limits to the county’s Department of Health Services.

County officials encouraged the City Council to pass the ordinance, saying that it was necessary to strengthen the county health guidelines governing bathhouses. The county has encouraged all cities to adopt identical ordinances in order to minimize any court challenges to the law’s constitutionality.


Bathhouses in the city would be considered health-regulated businesses, as opposed to police-regulated, under the San Diego ordinance. The county is empowered by the state to administer all public health matters.

The lone speaker to oppose the ordinance called it “unjust legislation” and accused council members of “grandstanding.” The new ordinance will do nothing to stop the spread of AIDS, he said.

Councilman Ron Roberts said that the council was not singling out gays for punishment.

“This isn’t a move to punish, but rather a move to help,” Roberts said.

Councilman Bruce Henderson said that the new ordinance might not stop the spread of AIDS, but will curb promiscuous sex in the bathhouses. It is sending “a clear message that promiscuous sex is dangerous to your health,” Henderson said.


The ordinance allows only one person at a time in a private room and prohibits sexual activity. Bathhouses will also be inspected monthly by county health officials.
