
President Bart Giamatti of the National League...

President Bart Giamatti of the National League denied a report that he has rejected Pam Postema as an umpire, saying a decision is still a week away.

Thursday’s editions of USA Today reported that Postema, an 11-year minor league umpire bidding to become the first female umpire in the major leagues, had been turned down by Giamatti for one of two openings in his league.

“She’ll be back in the American Assn. as a crew chief,” Giamatti was quoted as saying. “We have two openings. We haven’t made a decision on who will fill them.”


Giamatti, visiting the Chicago Cubs training camp in Mesa, Ariz., said the reporter “got it all wrong.”

“The only decision that’s going to come down will come sometime next week. Not Monday, as I was alleged to have said,” Giamatti said. “Sometime next week, we will make a decision on the two people who will replace (the late) Mr. (Dick) Stello and (the retired) Mr. (Billy) Williams. That’s all I ever said.”
