
Batchelder to Leave Pickens’ Mesa Limited

David Batchelder, who has helped oilman T. Boone Pickens Jr. make his corporate raids for the past decade, plans to leave the firm to start a consulting business that may compete with Pickens.

Batchelder, 38, said he will leave Mesa Limited Partnership at the end of May to move to San Diego.

“It was really more of a case of leaving Amarillo than leaving Boone,” said Batchelder.

“Ten years in Amarillo is enough,” Batchelder said. “It’s a significant sacrifice to live in Amarillo,” which he likened to “a large truck stop.”


He said he told Pickens last year that he would be leaving.

“My third child--my son, Gary--is graduating from high school in May,” he said. “And I told Boone nine months ago, when that happens, I would be leaving.” He said Pickens said that he “hated to see a great team split up, but he understood.”

Batchelder, who helped Pickens launch takeover attempts against Phillips Petroleum Co., Gulf Corp., Superior Oil Co. and Unocal Corp., said he plans to offer other oil and gas interests his experience through a private consulting firm.

“I think the expertise that I’ve developed through the years with Mesa I could take out now and advise others,” Batchelder said. “I think I can generate some ideas that would be helpful to other companies.”


Batchelder refuted claims that his departure signals discontent with Mesa’s recent failed or aborted takeover efforts. In fact, he said, he expected to be involved in more decisions with Pickens. Still, he acknowledged that he may be competing with Pickens and Mesa on some ventures.

The Oklahoma native came to Pickens’ firm from the Denver office of the accounting firm Deloitte, Haskins & Sells, where he was an audit manager. He began at Mesa as an assistant to a vice president, but rose to the rank of comptroller within two years and ultimately to the presidency of Mesa Petroleum Co.

When Mesa later became a limited partnership, Batchelder began as a consultant.

Batchelder said he did not think he would be replaced at Mesa. “I don’t think they need to,” he said. “They are very experienced.”
