

In rebuttal to the letter “New Prisons” (May 24), it upsets me to hear someone say, “Why wait for fancy cells with indoor plumbing, etc. when Army-type detention camps can be built quickly at a modest cost to accommodate these chronic law-breakers.”

It’s the same taxpayers that block the passage of new jail facilities because they don’t want them built in or around their neighborhoods or communities.

It’s about time the man from La Quinta wakes up and looks around.

The Orange County jail system has been housing about 350 inmates since mid-1985 in tents to relieve overcrowding in jails until a larger one can be built.


I’m sure if he were to check around other counties are doing much the same.

I am a inmate who is housed at a branch jail that has four compounds--two of which are trailers, one that is a concrete structure, and one that includes tents housing about 350 inmates.


