
Speaker of the House Jim Wright

The Times has reported that senators may accept up to 40% of their salaries each year for speeches and “other services,” House members 30%. They may receive money from enterprises operating within their jurisdictions. (The Times reported that a group of congressmen each received expenses plus a $2,000 “fee” for his personal bank account.) Additionally, they are not restricted from lobbying their former colleagues (as are executive branch members), have exempted themselves from the Freedom of Information Act, the conflict-of-interest laws, the 1964 Civil Rights Act banning race discrimination, the recent Grove City Civil Rights Restoration Act, the Age Discrimination Act and the 1973 law barring discrimination against the handicapped.

In spite of all this special treatment afforded to themselves, Wright has still managed to stink to high heaven.

Will his actions be soft-pedaled by this “investigation” being conducted by his colleagues, who stand only to lose if he is found guilty? Is the Congress controlled by Democrats? Is the earth round?


There must be a call for the same special prosecutor function as is used against the executive branch. An internal “review” smacks of a cover-up and cronyism.


Redondo Beach
