
Most Safety Flaws Corrected, Firm Says

Associated Press

Officials at Kerr-McGee Chemical Corp. say they have corrected six of the seven safety hazards cited by state officials last month at their Henderson, Nev., plant.

Spokeswoman Annita Bridges said Monday the company is appealing the one citation that has not been corrected. She confirmed that citation involves storing ammonium perchlorate, a rocket fuel oxidizer, on asphalt pads. Bridges said she does not know why the state opposes the asphalt pads.

Fines for the Kerr-McGee citations exceed $5,200, according to federal records.

The seven citations were issued by the Nevada Division of Occupational Safety and Health, and confirmed last week by company officials.


Bridges said the citations were issued after inspections made when the plant was not in operation. Kerr-McGee shut down production for a period after a May 4 explosion at the nearby Pacific Engineering & Production Co. plant, the only other facility in the country producing the critical oxidizer used in the space shuttle and military rockets.
