
Greek Tragedy

Regarding the performance of the Royal Spanish National Ballet at the Greek Theatre (reviewed by Lewis Segal, July 28): After buying a ticket well in advance at the Oxnard Ticketron, I drove to the Greek for the July matinee and found a sign saying the performance was canceled and that refunds could be obtained at the point of ticket purchase.

I then drove to the Oxnard Ticketron and found a sign saying that the office had closed and giving addresses in Camarillo and Ventura. I got back on the freeway and went to the Ventura address (Jailhouse Records). There, they said Ticketron hadn’t authorized any refunds yet. I am to call (when, they did not say, but it is a message unit call) and then make another trip to Ventura to get my money. They charged me $17.50 for a $15 slot, and I am sure they are not going to refund the extra $2.50.

If you add the gasoline, time, mileage, disappointment, frustration, etc., the total comes to a bad day and a bad taste for both the Greek Theatre and Ticketron.



Port Hueneme
