
San Clemente Loss of Growth Measure

One small step for John D. Lusk, one giant leap for mankind. Your article (Oct. 20) on the San Clemente slow-growth initiative (Measure E) being voided was good news. Now that the courts negated the Citizens for Sensible Growth Initiative we can get back to basics.

The no-growthers who drafted the initiative were shortsighted in trying to place such a responsibility on any single group in the community. The positive thing about the decision, however, is that it puts the weight on all of our shoulders.

Having been born and raised in Orange County, I have seen the ways in which growth helps all of us. I am proud of what the building industry has contributed to solve problems like transportation in our community. This court decision should be a loud message to all that each one of us has a role to play in successfully planning the future of our communities. Our very existence is at stake. It’s not a growth vs. no-growth battle. We are growing. We must grow. The court’s decision puts us all at the same level, or all on the same side. Let’s work together, builders, educators, business people. environmentalists, to make Orange County’s future good for each and every one of its fortunate citizens.



Project Manager

Newport Beach
