
High Court Ruling on Christian Club

As an agnostic, I believe firmly in the whole idea of separation of church and state. I regard meddling in our government by the religious right as one of the gravest threats to our personal liberties. But the Supreme Court decision regarding a Christian club here in Orange County was way out of line (Nov. 10).

Allowing a bunch of teen-agers to sit around and read the Bible in a public classroom hardly qualifies as “establishment of religion,” but denying them the right to do so seems to me to be “prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” And let’s not forget the rest of the 1st Amendment and the right to “peaceable assembly.”

Now, I agree with the ban on distribution of leaflets on campus, but the same should hold true for the Pep Club or the Spanish Club. Such activities are annoying and disruptive and usually only result in a lot of litter on campus.



