
Terrorism and the Crash of Flight 103

I knew Elizabeth Marek (“Young Southlanders in Fiery Death,” Part I, Dec. 24). For 8 1/2 months back in 1986, we walked together across the continent--from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C.--as part of the Great Peace March for Global Nuclear Disarmament. She was an outgoing person, friendly and benign. She had much to live for, and even more to give.

There is always irony in death. The sad paradox of Elizabeth’s tragic end is that she perished from the very thing that she had protested: violence. If the demise of Flight 103 was indeed the result of sabotage from a terrorist organization, I hope they realize the eventual consequence of their action. For one less Elizabeth Marek in this world leads us all one step closer to hell.


Los Angeles
