
Edelman Backs Bigger AIDS Ward in Speech at Vigil Site

Near the jumble of sleeping bags and tents that remained from a weeklong vigil in front of County-USC Medical Center, Supervisor Ed Edelman on Saturday chastised Los Angeles County for its failure to provide “necessary care” for people with AIDS.

Speaking to activists at the end of their seven-day protest, Edelman supported their demand for a larger AIDS ward. He called the recent disclosure that the county has more than $8 million left unspent in its AIDS budget “intolerable” and pledged to meet Monday with county health officials and representatives of AIDS Coalition to Unlease Power/Los Angeles, which sponsored the protest.

“We need to do a better job,” he said. “We can’t afford to keep the status quo.”

Critics have called the county’s plan for a 20-bed ward scheduled to open in the fall inadequate.


After an initially warm reception by the 75-person crowd, Edelman was jeered by several of the organizers from ACTUP/LA.

“People are dying,” and “50 beds now,” several yelled.

Saying, “It’s not just up to me,” Edelman abruptly left.

After one of the organizers who had invited Edelman to speak apologized to the supervisor as he got into his car, he said: “I appreciate it. Don’t ask again.”

The two activist factions then engaged in a shouting match among themselves over their tactics.
