
Pesticides in the Food Supply

In response to “Be Most Wary of Nature’s Own Pesticides,” by Bruce N. Ames, Op-Ed Page, Feb. 27:

One might give Ames an A in theoretical research because he has spent his professional life in the ivory tower of academic biochemistry. But like too many researchers in today’s publish or perish atmosphere, he fails in truth telling. Worse, he uses semantic scare tactics.

Yes, vegetables and fruits--and flowers and animals--produce their own natural protection against predators which Ames calls natural “pesticides.” However, to date I have seen no markets label carrots or celery or oranges “poison.” Why does he want to scare us? A man-made chemical pesticide must be so labeled. It must be registered as “poison.”


Ames also fails in practical application. I am a stress management counselor and member of the Board of Directors of the Environmental Health Assn. where I see many people who suffer pesticide poisoning. Scientific research often discredits these people by labeling them “kooks.” But the literature is now bulging with case studies. They suffer everything from burns and rashes to panic attacks to atherosclerosis. Unfortunately, their ranks are growing as more and more man-made pesticides (and other pollutants) break down their immune systems.

I feel science would be better served if Ames used his knowledge to help rather than mislead.


Beverly Hills
