
The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (Channel...

The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (Channel 7 Tuesday at 1 a.m.): High-grade ‘40s women’s picture, in which a strong-willed Barbara Stanwyck is teamed with Kirk Douglas in his screen debut. (2:00)

Ben-Hur (1926) (TNT Tuesday at 5 p.m.): Fred Niblo’s glorious silent religious epic, featuring that still-incredible chariot race between Ramon Novarro (in the title role) and Francis X. Bushman. With May McAvoy and Carmel Myers. (3:00)

Going Hollywood (Channel 5 Saturday at 3:30 a.m.): Strictly for nostalgia buffs, this glossy 1933 MGM production stars Marion Davies and Bing Crosby, has a silly “42nd Street” plot, some wonderful songs, lavish Art Deco sets--and none of the breezy vitality of the Warners musicals of the era. (1:30)


Fury (Z Saturday at 10:30 a.m.): Fritz Lang made his American film debut with this 1936 classic study in mob hysteria. Spencer Tracy and Sylvia Sidney star. (1:30)

Senso (Z Saturday at 2 p.m.): Luchino Visconti’s lush 1954 epic-scale period romance with Alida Valli and Farley Granger. (2:00)
