
Local News in Brief : Bodies Identified as Hollywood Couple

The remains of two bodies found last week in a rugged ravine in Griffith Park were identified as those of a Hollywood couple who apparently shot each other as part of an occult suicide pact six years ago, Los Angeles police said Monday.

Investigators said the bones of Robin Waters, 31, and Patricia Lutz, 26, were found by hikers less than a mile northwest of the park observatory. The couple had disappeared in early 1983, leaving behind a suicide note saying they sought “spiritual freedom.” Occult jewelry and two guns were found with the remains, police said.

Waters, a one-time professional dancer, practiced occult arts in which he reported contacting spirits, friends said.


Lutz, originally from Baltimore, was working as a waitress in Hollywood. The two were “married” in a ceremony at an occult shop about a week before their disappearance, according to the friends who asked not to be identified.

Investigators found two .22-caliber revolvers, each fully loaded except for a single bullet, said Detective John Munguia. It appeared that the taller Waters and shorter Lutz were standing side by side as they shot each other in the back of the head, Munguia said.
