
Theater Center Renews Spirit of Dedication

Last month, the board of directors of the Santa Paula Theater Center accepted with the deepest of regrets the resignation of William Lucking. As a co-founder and co-artistic director of the SPTC, we applaud his efforts and salute his contributions for helping to make it one of the most lauded and popular theaters in Ventura County.

What began as a dream in the minds of both Bill and Dana Elcar has materialized into a theater of quality work structured on the sound foundation of first-rate talent and productions.

While we will miss Bill’s involvement and wish him well in his new endeavors, under Dana’s guidance, the SPTC will remain a testament to the lofty ideals they set together. It will continue to represent the idea they foresaw and reflect the excellence their professionalism demanded.


On behalf of the board, I wish to assure our patrons that the directors have renewed their spirit of dedication to the theater created by Bill and Dana. The SPTC will continue to present outstanding and exciting works in the county’s most beautiful and historical setting.


President, board of directors

Santa Paula Theater Center
