
Furor Over Flag Burning

A person who burns or otherwise destroys the American flag does not hate America as Tom Bethell states in his column “Demystified Court Invites a Backlash” (Op-Ed Page, June 30), but is making a strong statement about some injustice which is taking place in our country.

No, burning the flag is not an obnoxious, nauseating, or repugnant act. No one burns the American flag for the hell of it. It is an act of courage. It is done out of total frustration when injustices in our country are ignored or go unheeded.

I believe that someone who burns the flag loves his country more than someone who considers such an act as simple-minded and offensive.


Instead of calling for an amendment to the Constitution making the desecration of the American flag a felony, President Bush and those who think like him should call for an amendment which says that no American should go to sleep without food in his stomach or a roof over his head. And that no American should be deprived of a decent job.

To allow these conditions to exist is what I call obnoxious, nauseating, and repugnant. If burning the American flag is what it takes to get the message across to our glorious leaders, then let’s burn all the flags.


La Palma
